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Homeschooling Tips & Tricks!

Homeschooling Tips & Tricks!

If you are a parent that wants to homeschool, but is worried your not going to be able to give the best to your child.. you are wrong! Homeschooling can be a very  rewarding and fun experience for both parents and children. It offers the flexibility to tailor the educational journey to fit your child's unique needs and interests. However, it can present challenges, especially when it comes to keeping kids engaged and motivated, but don't let this stop you! In this blog, we'll explore various homeschooling tips and tricks, focusing on the use of Educational Toys, Arts & Crafts, and Activity Toys.

The Importance of Structure and Routine

One of the most critical aspects of successful homeschooling is establishing a consistent structure and routine. Children thrive on predictability, and a well-defined schedule can help them understand what to expect each day. Start by setting a daily timetable that includes dedicated time for various subjects, breaks, and physical activities.

Creating a Daily Schedule

A typical homeschooling day might look like this:

  • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM: Breakfast and Morning Routine
  • 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM: Core Subjects (Math, Language Arts)
  • 10:30 AM - 11:00 AM: Break and Physical Activity
  • 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM: Science and Social Studies
  • 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM: Lunch Break
  • 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM: Arts & Crafts or Activity Toys Session
  • 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM: Reading and Quiet Time
  • 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM: Free Play or Outdoor Activities 

This schedule can be adjusted to fit your family's needs, but the key is to maintain consistency to help your child develop a sense of routine, but the great thing about homeschooling there doesn't always have to be a set routine and you can also take your little one on holiday whenever you like and let them learn from there.

Integrating Educational Toys into Learning

Educational toys are an excellent resource for homeschooling. They can make learning more interactive and enjoyable, helping children understand complex concepts through play. Here are some ways to incorporate these toys into your homeschooling curriculum:

Math and Logic Games

Math can be a challenging subject for many children, but educational toys like math games and puzzles can make it more engaging. Look for toys that teach basic arithmetic, fractions, and geometry. Games that involve counting, sorting, and pattern recognition are also beneficial for developing math skills.

Science Kits

Science kits are a fantastic way to bring hands-on learning into your child's homeschool experience. These kits often include experiments and activities that teach scientific principles in a fun and interactive way. Whether it's a chemistry set, a biology kit, or a physics experiment, these toys can ignite a passion for science in your child.

Language Arts Tools

For language arts, consider educational toys that promote reading, writing, and storytelling. Alphabet blocks, phonics games, and storytelling kits can help younger children develop literacy skills. For older kids, writing prompts and creative writing kits can encourage them to express themselves and improve their writing abilities.

Cheap Arts & Crafts

The Role of Arts & Crafts in Homeschooling

Arts & Crafts play a vital role in a well-rounded homeschooling education. They not only foster creativity but also help children develop fine motor skills, problem-solving abilities, and emotional expression. Here are some ideas for incorporating arts & crafts into your homeschooling routine:

Daily Art Time

Set aside a specific time each day for Arts & Crafts. This could be part of your afternoon schedule, allowing your child to unwind and relax after a morning of academic work. Provide a variety of materials such as coloured paper, markers, paints, glue, and scissors to inspire creativity.

Themed Projects

Create themed art projects that tie into your current lessons. For example, if you're studying ancient Egypt, you could make Egyptian jewelery. If you're learning about animals, you could create animal masks. Themed projects make learning more cohesive and enjoyable.

Crafting with Recycled Materials

Teach your children about sustainability and creativity by using recycled materials for your crafts. Items like cardboard boxes, bottle caps, and old magazines can be transformed into beautiful art pieces. This not only encourages creativity but also instills important values about recycling and environmental responsibility.

Activity Toys for Physical and Cognitive Development

Activity toys are essential for promoting both physical and cognitive development in children. These toys encourage movement, coordination, and problem-solving skills. Here are some top picks for activity toys that can enhance your homeschooling experience:

Building Sets

Building sets like LEGO and magnetic tiles are excellent for developing your little ones creativness. These toys allow children to construct various structures, enhancing their engineering and design abilities. Incorporate building challenges into your lessons to make learning more dynamic.

Outdoor Toys

Physical activity is crucial for a child's overall health and well-being. Outdoor Toys like trampolines, balance bikes, and sports equipment can help children stay active and develop their skills. Schedule regular outdoor playtime to ensure your child gets plenty of exercise and fresh air.

Puzzle and Board Games

Puzzle and board games are fantastic for developing critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Games that require strategy, planning, and teamwork can be very beneficial. Set up a weekly game night to encourage family bonding time.

Creating a Conducive Learning Environment

A successful homeschooling experience depends significantly on the learning environment you create. Here are some tips for setting up a productive and inspiring space for your child:

Designate a Learning Area

Choose a specific area in your home that will be dedicated to learning. This could be the kitchen dining table, toy room, or even a section of the dining room. Ensure this space is free from distractions and stocked with all the necessary supplies, like pens, paper, paint etc.

Organise Supplies

Keep your educational toys, arts & crafts materials, and activity toys organised and easily accessible. Use shelves, bins, and drawers to store items neatly. Labelling each container can help your child find what they need and encourage them to put things away after use.

Personalise the Space

Make the learning area inviting and personalised. Allow your child to decorate it with their artwork, favourite posters, and photos. A personalised space can make children feel more comfortable and motivated to learn.

Balancing Screen Time

In today's digital age, it's essential to balance screen time with other activities. While educational apps and online resources can be valuable tools, it's important to ensure that children are also engaging in hands-on learning and physical play.

Set Limits

Establish clear rules for screen time. For example, you might allow one hour of educational screen time per day, followed by offline activities. Use timers or alarms to help enforce these limits.

Encourage Offline Activities

Promote offline activities by providing a variety of engaging alternatives. Educational toys, arts & crafts, and activity toys can offer endless entertainment and learning opportunities. Encourage your child to explore these options before turning to screens.

Socialisation and Community Engagement

One common concern about homeschooling is the potential lack of socialisation. However, there are many ways to ensure your child has plenty of social interaction and community engagement:

Join Homeschool Groups

Many communities have homeschool groups that organise regular meet-ups, field trips, and activities. Joining one of these groups can provide valuable social opportunities for both you and your child. It's a great way to connect with other homeschooling families and share resources.

Enroll in Extracurricular Activities

Enroll your child in extracurricular activities such as sports teams, dance classes, music lessons, or art clubs. These activities provide opportunities for socialisation, skill development, and teamwork.

Volunteer Together

Volunteering as a family can be a rewarding way to engage with your community. Look for local opportunities that align with your interests and values. Volunteering teaches children about empathy, responsibility, and the importance of giving back.


Homeschooling offers a unique opportunity to teach your child in a way you know is best for them. By incorporating educational toys, arts & crafts, and activity toys, you can keep your little ones engaged, motivated, and excited about learning. With these tips and tricks, you'll be well on your way to a successful and enjoyable homeschooling journey.

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